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All these Belloo enhancements will help you create your favorite dating site!

Belloo language

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is add language set for your Belloo site. There are two ways. The first is to create a new language set (Fig. 1) in the admin panel of your dating site, controlled by the Belloo script, and then get confused by editing (translating all sections) manually (Fig. 2). There is also an option to use automatic google translation. Such is the funny "Belloo crack" in Chinese. The second is to use our correct Belloo language set (Fig. 1a). Yes, now we have a special language file "Belloo language set" (in human language), which you can add there, in your admin panel (Admin panel / Languages ​​/ Import JSON language). By the way, after that do not forget to correct this Belloo language to suit your preferences and settings. This can be the name of your dating site, what you want, customizable (if you are not satisfied with ours) - the names of the genders, your questions to users in their profile, and so on. We have German language for Belloo, Russian language for Belloo and we will add other languages.
Belloo rus

Admin panel by Russian

Now you need to take care of the convenience of your dating site management. What are these bourgeois nagging in their gibberish? We need an admin panel in Russian. It is enough to buy our admin panel crack, and chick, your Belloo admin panel in Russian!Belloo admin by russian

Quick login

So. Your Belloo dating site is already in Russian. The next small but very useful improvement is the user login form, not the registration form on your main page. When your site is a demo site, user delay at launch is not significant. But if you have a working site that is designed to make money, then every second until the moment when the user can get there, why he came (and began to bring you a little money) is very annoying. In addition, the Belloo registration form overlaps the picture that you may have created with such love. We have made it so that by default, on the main page of your dating site, you will have the primary Belloo login form (not registration).
One second, and the user is already in his rewriting!not registration, but log in

Authorization with VKontakte

We make a dating site in Russian for our users, and for statistics in Runet, those who are interested in the opportunity to meet online are mostly young people, VKontakte users. Why would they waste time on registration, for the hundredth time inventing logins, passwords, soaps? Add our plugin "VKontakte" to your site and op - you have Login with VKontakte for Belloo .authorization with vk for belloo

Yandex Money for Belloo

More than a dozen payment systems are integrated into Belloo. In addition to the well-known types of PayPal or Fortumo, there are exotic ones: Turkish, Indian, African, etc. Of course, this exotic is funny for a Russian user, but it doesn't suit. Someone is embarrassed to show their cards to PayPal, someone needs a russification. And given the fact that they (in connection with the ridiculous sanctions) stopped business support in Russia, users can pay for the services of your site, but you, you cannot withdraw money from the site without dancing with a tambourine. Because of this, we have added the Russian payment system Yandex Money for Belloo .Yandex Money for Belloo

PayStack for Belloo

We fixed issue on paystack payment and this is the only payment gateway supported in Nigeria on dating solution for Belloo .Paystack for Belloo

Personal Belloo Template

Your personal website template will certainly make your website stand out from the thousands of faceless websites with a template that comes with the default Belloo engine. Talking about the need for a personal template - your best and most unique dating site, is just silly and lazy. We can make it for you too for as little as $ 500. Belloo templatesCheck out one example of such an exclusive Belloo template in our demo website